Friends of Herring River 

Mission: To inspire and accelerate restoration of estuaries and ecosystems for the benefit of nature and all people. 

Friends of Herring River was incorporated in 2009 as a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Construction Begins on Permanent Chequessett Neck Road Bridge

Construction Begins on Permanent Chequessett Neck Road Bridge

CHEQUESSETT NECK BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE MIG has begun work on the permanent bridge, beginning with the installation of steel sheeting around the perimeter of their current work zone. MIG's upcoming work will focus on installation of stone armor scour protection...

Vegetation Removal for Herring River Restoration Project to Continue

Vegetation Removal for Herring River Restoration Project to Continue

Cape Cod National Seashore, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and the National Park Foundation, will begin to remove trees and shrubbery from areas of the Herring River floodplain. Clearing the vegetation will help promote the growth of native saltmarsh vegetation...


Herring River Restoration

The overall goal of the Herring River Restoration Project is to create a productive, natural environment that will sustain itself with improved water quality and a strengthened ecosystem by restoring tidal flow to the estuary.


Restoration Area Maps

Maps of the Herring River from 1887 until today, showing it originally as the free-flowing river it was for thousands of years, to the impaired and degraded river it is today after being diked in 1909.

Our Partners


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Our electronic Newsletter shares the latest information on project updates, scheduled meetings, and Friends of Herring River initiatives. Please sign up today to get the Friends of Herring River Newsletter delivered to your inbox.


Friends of Herring River

1580 Route 6 #5  (mailing address, 1.1.24)
Wellfleet, MA 02667
(508) 214-0656



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